Our Story

About Us


Quench Your Thirst Of Adventure With Us!

Welcome to Tripoholic, where the allure of adventure meets the thrill of discovery! We’re not just a travel company; we’re the architects of unforgettable experiences, and the creators of memories that last a lifetime.


Tripoholic: Your Passport to Endless Adventure!

Fuelled by our insatiable passion for exploration, we’ve made it our mission to turn your travel dreams into reality. Whether you’re craving the breathtaking serenity of the mountains, the culturally rich sands of the desert, or simply a short getaway in the heart of holy places, we have got you!
With a group of passionate employees and a carefully curated network of partners, we specialize in creating custom adventures that go beyond the typical. We create experiences that awaken your senses and revitalize your spirit, from heart-pounding adventures to retreats that soothe your soul.
So, why settle for the boring when you can embrace the extraordinary?
Join the ranks of fellow Tripoholics and embark on a journey where each step is a story waiting to be told. Let’s turn your wanderlust into a full-blown addiction. Get ready to indulge your inner Tripoholic and unlock the never ending adventure!